The service uptime is commonly ignored by many people as they are searching for a new website hosting provider, but it can often be even more important in comparison with the actual plan features. It won't matter how good a plan is if the web sites hosted inside the account are offline for long periods of time. This type of downtimes are often penalized by search engines like google, not mentioning the fact that website visitors will most likely not revisit a site they encounter difficulties with. For that reason, it is essential to check the stability of the Internet hosting service before getting a new account to be sure that the success of your sites will not depend upon third-party variables, but entirely on their content and on your advertising campaigns.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Website Hosting

With a website hosting account through our company, you can enjoy 99.9% server uptime. We have basically eradicated the downtime because we use a state-of-the-art cloud hosting platform and we don't deal with everything on just one server like the vast majority of companies do. As an alternative, we run every service on a separate group of web servers, so your files, e-mails, databases, and so on, will be handled by separate web servers. Thus, we can also balance the load far more efficiently and guarantee the stable operation of your web sites at all times. The availability of the servers is ensured by a number of backbone Internet providers and diesel powered backup generators, so your internet sites are going to be working no matter what. We also have experts overseeing the web servers twenty-four hours a day, including weekends and holidays, and they'll deal with any unforeseen problem which could show up.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Web Hosting

If you acquire a dedicated server package from us, you’ll be able to reap the benefits of our service and network uptime guarantee. We will make certain that your web hosting server is online a minimum of 99.9% of the time no matter what. We employ new, meticulously tested hardware components to assemble every hosting server and we make sure that all of the pre-installed software is functioning properly before the web server is handed over to the customer. We have also taken measures to avoid any possible infrastructural issues - the continuous power supply is guaranteed by powerful diesel generators, while 24/7 accessibility to the dedicated servers is guaranteed via several independent Internet providers. Our administrators are available constantly, including weekends & holidays, so even if any unanticipated problem comes up, they'll deal with it right away to avoid any downtime of your web server and the sites or offline apps accommodated on it.