The monthly traffic characteristic, that’s at times also called bandwidth or info transfer, indicates the total volume of information that is uploaded to your website hosting account and downloaded from it each month. The site traffic is produced mostly by website visits - when someone visits your web site, the pages they see are downloaded from your web hosting server to his or her computer or mobile device and they're displayed by the browser. What counts towards the website traffic produced is the size of these webpages, consequently the more site visitors you get for a period of time, the more site traffic will be produced. In addition to the web site visits, file uploads are also counted towards the entire monthly transfer i.e. any time you upload website content or some other files through a file manager or an FTP software, they'll also generate some site traffic. The counter resets on day one of each month and it's not related to the date you've registered or the date you have renewed the hosting package.

Monthly Traffic in Website Hosting

All of our Linux website hosting were designed with the idea to handle the site traffic made by any type of site that can exist in such an account. If you have one or multiple small or medium-sized websites, you'll not be limited by the monthly traffic allowance no matter what content you may have - plain text or perhaps a lot of images, for instance. The statistics in the hosting Control Panel will give you comprehensive info about the site traffic produced by every single website plus the amount for the account as a whole. The stats are updated in real time and indicate both the everyday and the monthly usage, therefore you will be aware of how much data is transferred to and from the web hosting account anytime. Day one of every month the counter is reset, but you will be able to view the traffic stats for the past months, that will inform you on how your web sites perform.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Web Hosting

The Linux dedicated web hosting that we offer you feature tremendous traffic quotas which are enough for any type of web site, even a video streaming portal or a popular online community. Terabytes of site traffic will be at your disposal each month and the administration panel that is featured with each and every dedicated server will give you information how much information has been transferred already and what amount is left for the present month. To avoid service disruptions, we'll let you know if you reach 90% of the allowance and you can either reduce the site traffic generated by your sites by optimizing their content material, or you will be able to increase the allowance for your account. It's highly unlikely that you'll ever need such an enhancement, but we decided to leave this option open. The statistics in that panel feature the full website traffic, compared to the information inside your hosting Control Panel where you can find just the traffic from websites, but not from server-side software downloads and / or updates.